Simply having a website is not enough. If you expect consumers to find your web site… and consistently return to your website, you must provide them with new and useful content to keep them engaged. You can accomplish this by providing useful tips and information about topics related to your business on your website. Write articles or manage a blog that focuses on topics you know a lot about that also relate to your business.
In today’s world it is the norm that a prospective customer visits your website before contacting you. In many cases they will already have a good idea about your company, products, services and how it will serve their needs before you directly speak to them. It’s imperative that you provide them with useful content that will help guide them to doing business with you. Ensure your website content is up-to-date and relevant by regularly maintaining your website.
The most important benefits of website maintenance are that it:
- Ensures your website is up to date
- Keeps your customers updated with the latest information about your company
- Makes search engine spiders happy and increases your chances for higher search engine rankings
- Enhances your marketing and promotional actions
- Provides information about who's linking to your site
- Improves your company’s brand image and aids in expansion
- Helps to solve and monitor possible operational problems and avoids potential catastrophes with clients
Seven useful tips for maintaining and keeping your website updated:
1. The main goal for maintaining your website is to keep your visitors coming back and attracting new consumers. If your site is not updated regularly, visitors will not bother to return. They need the latest and new information or resources to return back and find you. Hence, it is essential that you have fresh new content added regularly to your website.
2. Keeping track of your visitors’ activity on your website is essential. Website traffic analysis and statistics will help you plan more systematically for future business offerings and online activities. Try and use these statistics to your advantage and improve the features and pages where consumers visit the most.
3. Create a forum which allows your visitors to interact with each other and meet new people. This is a great way to increase the popularity of your website.
4. Create an e-newsletter which should contain articles, tips and tricks. This allows you to tell your visitors what's new on your website, inform them about special deals, and any promotional, educational or newsworthy events.
5. Incoming links are very important for ranking higher in the search engine marketing game; therefore, try to build strong incoming links. Keep track of all these incoming links and check back on these links regularly to make sure they still have your link on their webpage especially if you have agreed to participate in a reciprocal link exchange program where you are linking back to their website. The Internet is constantly evolving; if you have outgoing links on your website to other sites and they no longer work, search engines will penalize you for broken links.
6. Provide a form where all web users have the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions for your site. Accept any feedback you have received seriously and reply as soon as possible. Feedback given to you by your visitors will help you provide more targeted content and provide you with better ideas for improving your website.
7. In addition to your website content, the design of your website is very important. The most critical thing to keep in mind is to keep it simple, easy to use but appealing. Research other popular sites and high ranking competitor web sites for content and design ideas.
It’s never a good idea to build your website and believe it’s a finished product once you’ve decided to go live on the internet. Just having a website is not enough as the Internet is constantly evolving with new ideas and technology. So should your web site evolve to capture new traffic and provide a compelling reason for consumers to return to and patronize your business. Whether you take the time to regularly update and maintain your website yourself or seek the services of a professional web development company to do it for you, remember it’s a vital part of being successful on the Internet. Best of luck!
Steve Kozyk<
CEO/Founder ITegrity
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